The Evolution of Pool Fencing

Home outdoor entertainment has become more prevalent in modern times, with homeowners spending more quality outdoor time with family and friends, and all in the comfort of their own homes. 

For those fortunate enough to own a swimming pool, we’re instantly transported to thoughts of sunshine, hot summers, relaxing weekends, BBQs, family/friends events, and the sound of kids and adults laughing and splashing about. What a great addition to your home!

Recessed Concrete Pool Fence Large Frameless Impressions

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Why Choose Frameless Glass Pool Fencing

There’s no doubt you’re keen to jump into your new swimming pool as soon as it’s ready, but there’s one more important thing to do before you can call your pool swim-safe based on Victorian requirements; install pool fencing. In accordance with Australian regulations for pools and Australian Standard AS 1926.1 – 2012, you need to have compliant pool fencing installed in your yard before you can dive in.

There are a few styles that Aussies opt for; frameless glass pool fencing, semi-frameless glass pool fencing (which some also call “framed”), and metal pool fencing. It’s up to you which to choose, with style, budget, and desired aesthetic being the top three criteria for most homeowners. Below, we outline the main differences, along with the pros and cons of each, to help you make an informed decision on the best option for your yard.

Frameless Impressions

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